News |
2015 December 30 |
For the first time and once again |
In November of this year DSS took part in the largest industrial exhibition in France MIDEST for the first time. Every year the exhibition takes up 42,000 thousand of buyers among the producers and consumers of steel products from around the world. This year Mideste exhibited more than 1,600 companies from 39 countries, including our factory.
2015 December 17 |
Step to Power Independence |
December 15, 2015 in the context of the investment program of PJSC “Dneprospetsstal” named after A. N. Kuzmin the system for storage and gasification of liquid oxygen was put into operation on the basis of the equipment rented out by PJSC “Linde Gas Ukraine”.
2015 December 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in November 2015 |
In December 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 17 413 tons of steel that is by 1,6% less than in November 2015. 11 413 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 1,3% less than in November 2015.