In February 2020, PrJSC DNEPROSPETSSTAL delivered 18 639 tons of steel, which is 31.7% higher than in January this year. During the same period, the Company produced 12 352 tons of rolled metal products, which is 14.3% more than the production yield of the previous month.
The total value of the commercial products produced in February 2020 amounted to 509 833 thousand UAH (in current prices).
The company delivered 32 788 tons of steel for two months of 2020 (4,6% more than for the same period of the last year), and manufactured 23 160 tons of rolled stock (4,4% higher than for January and February 2019).
The production of commercial products amounted to 1,032,256 thousand UAH for two months of 2020.
In February, the plan for the steel delivery was exceeded by the SMS-5, PMS and the drop-hammer plant. In comparison with the planned tasks, the shipment in the FPS and in the hot pressing department of the PMS has been increased.