In June 2017 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 849 t of steel that is by 2,2% less than in May 2017.
13 844 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 3,4 % less than in May 2017.
The total cost of the commodity output was 649 232 thousand UAH (in established prices) in June 2017. It is 5,8 % less than the last month figures.
For 6 months in 2017 delivered 127 744 tons of steel (by 14,1 % more than in the same period of last year) and produced 84 632 tons of rolled products (by 19,3 % more than in the same period of last year).
During 6 months of 2017 the production of commercial products was 3 942 549 thousand UAH. It is 28,3 % more than the same period of 2016.